A message from our principal.

Dear Parents and Parishioners,

With the end to another school year and keeping in mind the importance of gratitude, I would like to send a SHOUT OUT to all of our wonderful teachers, families, students, and staff!

The 2023-24 school year has come to a close and there is so much that we have to be thankful for. This school year was filled with activities, learning, and growth! For those who do not know, St. Patrick’s school is nestled in the heart of Mauston, near the Lemonwire River. As a matter of fact, if you want to see a beautiful backdrop, come check out our playground and surrounding area! There will also be some updates happening over summer so it will be an even better view come fall.

We are a school of about 125 students and the best staff around. I am so grateful for each of the teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, and custodians who make this place what it is. There is a joyful feeling that comes when you enter the buildings because of the dedication and love that is shared here. Our teaching staff alone, is made of highly qualified teachers who have had over 90 years of experience combined. Three of our teachers have been in education for over twenty years which is simply amazing when you consider we have 10 classroom teachers! (Next year, we will have 11 as we start our first year with a 3K program!!) What an amazing accomplishment. We have mentors within our staff that provide excellent advice, guidance and support to our new teachers. St. Patricks also works closely with the Diocese of La Crosse to maintain high teacher standards and retain quality teachers. This year we will be missing two of our paraprofessionals who are retiring or leaving to be with family, but we are grateful for their time, effort, and service to the school over the past years! We will have two paraprofessionals returning who make the days better for our students and staff. They support in so many ways; their time is appreciated and so helpful for all! St. Patricks is blessed with a parish secretary who helps with various school related things as well as the parish side. Without her we would all be a little more frazzled. Our school secretary can also calm a raging sea and make it look like a piece of cake! If you ever want to see people who can juggle 10 things and still hold a conversation, visit a secretary! St. Patricks has two of the best secretaries around, and we are so fortunate to have them as part of our team. Our custodial staff is also a blessing to have. We have 3 people who dedicate countless hours and effort beyond measure to upkeep our school and parish. We are so appreciative of all that they do!

The history of our school and parish is something to notice as well! St. Patricks is now home to families and students of 3 and 4 generations. The roots run deep around here as they say. This does not mean that we do not take notice of our new families, but it speaks to the quality of our education and the strength of our school community. It is such a beautiful thing to see the kids at school mass run up to hug their great-grandparents afterwards or to have them notice a picture or share a memory from their past family member. Our students are “normal” kids, growing and learning from their surroundings. What we hope to provide at St. Patricks is a foundation in faith, morals, and to educate the whole child: spiritually, academically, behaviorally, and socially. This year, we had 125 students who helped our staff to grow as educators as well. We learn so much from our students and their growth is reflected in our practices as educators. This year our students were able to participate in hands-on learning in our science lab, participate in field trips, and experience growth academically across the board! We have students who are skilled in math, reading, comprehension, history, science, religion, and every subject. Equally important, we have students who are caring, supportive, friends to all, and students who build up one another. Our teachers help them to recognize their strengths and develop areas for growth. Each year we are challenged to grow in new areas and celebrate the changes we make over the year! This year I am thankful for each of the students that have helped me to grow, shown personal growth, and changed the lives of others for the better. I am also thankful for those that have overcome challenges and proven themselves academically, spiritually, behaviorally, and socially. The students’ growth continues to be a priority and we are proud of all of the students that continue to push themselves each year!

The foundation that shapes our students is the family. We have some of the best parents around too… I know, how can we get so lucky? I think we are just blessed. Our parents care about their children, they are involved, they want growth, progress, and share a desire to raise their children morally. Our parents set the foundations at home, and I am thankful for all of their support throughout the year. Parents ask many questions, bring ideas, and are supportive of our staff. I appreciate working with each of our families and all of the effort that is put forth to provide their child/children with a quality education from St. Patrick School. Our parents make up committees such as Home and School, Education, and support their children throughout the year with fundraising efforts, chaperoning field trips, volunteering in classrooms and so much more!

St. Patrick School is what is known as a parish school. If you are not familiar with what that means, there is a tremendous amount of support that comes from our parish! That means when we are giving “shout outs” we cannot forget to thank those who have laid the foundation and continue to support the quality education provided at St. Patrick School. We have a history of amazing people that we continue to represent. Our legacy is made stronger by the faith-filled community that has been St. Patricks for 130 years! We hope to make you proud and continue to strive for excellence. Thank you for your support and example this year and always!

Lastly, our faith leader, Father Jey. This year, I have been able to work with Father Jey to help our students grow as well. Father is here to provide weekly mass, confession opportunities, meet with students and classes at various times throughout the year. Father Jey was a very busy man this year and we are grateful for the time we have spent together.

I hope that those who take the time to read this understand the commitment, passion, and dedication that is put forth each year by all of the contributing members of our school! We may be small but we have a mighty duty. We are here to serve our Lord and set examples. Sometimes we may struggle, but our foundation is set on The Rock. We have some of the very best staff, students and families. Though we are human and unique, we will continue to strive for excellence and growth! Thank you all for a successful 2023-24 school year! I look forward to being with you all again next year!

Mrs. Ross, Principal

A message from our principal.

Mission: To foster a Catholic identity, maintaining high academic standards for pre-k through 8th grade students while collaborating with families of all faiths by forming courageous disciples equipped to serve.

Vision: Our school vision is that we provide a foundational experience of faith, community, and knowledge that forms courageous disciples ready to serve generously.

St. Patrick School is a small, rural school in Mauston, Wisconsin. I am happy to say that our school takes pride in meeting the needs of each student. With our Catholic Faith and Christ at the center of our work, we maintain high academic standards. At St. Patrick School we prepare students for their future in academic challenges, social and emotional leadership and technological advancements. With our supportive school community we ensure classrooms are equipped with the tools necessary for teachers and students to explore learning environments outside of the classroom. We support the attainment of school as well as individual goals.

Enrollment is always open. We are always ready to welcome new families to our school community. We encourage you to call to learn more about St. Patrick School or schedule a tour. (608) 847-5844.

Blessings to you and your family.