St. Patrick Parish Lay Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

St. Patrick’s offers many opportunities to serve God and others through active Lay Ministry programs. Liturgical programs include Greeters, Lectors, Servers, Ushers and Eucharistic Ministers. (Training will be provided.)

Musicians are invited to join the Choir, Joyful Praise, or offer their instrumental talents during the liturgy. St. Patrick’s choir invites both adults and students to participate. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8 p.m., from September through April, as scheduled.

Also needed are Decorators who assist with environmental changes for liturgical seasons and Seamstresses/ Laundresses to keep linens repaired, clean and tidy. If you would like to help with any of these liturgical ministries or would like to help with scheduling for these ministries, please call the rectory office at 847-6054.

Pastoral Care Ministries

A most rewarding way to serve God is through service to others.  One very important ministry is Eucharist to the Homebound.  It consists of a short visit with disabled or elderly parish members while bringing them communion after a weekend or weekday Mass.  Family members or friends are especially invited to participate.  Small containers (pyxs and burses) are available in the sacristy.  Eucharist to nursing home residents or those hospitalized is usually done weekly.

A related ministry is the Nursing Home Rosary.  Two parish members lead a rosary for Catholic residents of Fairview Nursing home Sunday mornings at 10 AM.  Some pairs also bring the Eucharist.

Other pastoral ministries include the Birthday & Anniversary Ministry, Bereavement Ministry, Prayer Network, Jail Ministry, and Transportation Ministry.  Birthday cards to our parishioners who are over 80 and anniversary cards for those having a milestone anniversary are sent from our parish office.  The Bereavement Ministry keeps in touch with those who have recently lost a loved one by sending cards, through personal visits or phone calls, and also with a grief support group.  In the Prayer Network, participants receive requests for prayers for particular needs and pass them along to other parishioners. Volunteers are also needed to transport some members to weekend Masses and other activities on a regular or as-needed basis.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry and Rosary Making Group provide the parish with lap afghans for members of grieving families and rosaries from missions around the world.  Prayer Shawls are knitted or crocheted while praying for the family who has experienced a loss.  Our Rosary Making Group meets weekly and knots or beads rosaries to send to various missions throughout the world.  No experience needed – we will teach you to make rosaries.


RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Is open to all people seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. Come and explore the faith! Please call the rectory for information on our welcoming ministry.

Adult Group / Studies

Adult education opportunities for personal spiritual growth are available throughout the year. Advent and Lent provide special opportunities to explore and deepen our faith through seasonal offerings. Other education/discussion groups have been formed as needed. Watch the bulletins for new additions, dates, and times!

Home Visits

If you or a loved one are home bound, in the hospital, or in a nursing home and you’d like someone from the parish to bring communion or just come visit, please contact the parish office.